Thursday, December 19, 2013

Everyone did a great job at the Christmas concert today!! Thanks to all who came!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Concert

Don't forget the Christmas Concert is tomorrow at 9:00! Come early because the gym fills up.
See you then!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas lights

Today we made a string of Christmas lights project. On each light bulb we wrote a letter of our last name. Then we needed to put the letters in the correct order to spell our last name.
They turned out great!!


We are making a special Christmas gift for parents. Please save your toilet paper rolls and send to school with your child. Thanks!!!

Our class turkey

Forgot to post a picture of our class turkey! Everyone did a GREAT job!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 ways to calm down

Today during social studies we learned about different strategies we could use to calm down when something or someone makes us angy.
The 5 strategies we looked at were:
1. sit quietly
2. take 5 deep breaths
3. count to 10
4. do 5 jumping jacks
5. hum a tune

There are others strategies too like coloring, drawing a picture, go for a walk, read a book, etc. Ask your child which one they would do to help them calm down.