Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Mitten

Yesterday we read the first version of The Mitten. Today we read the newer version. Then we compared the two. It was fun to see the similarities and differences! See if your child remembers any! You will notice some different mitten activities coming home this week that are related to these books.

Guest readers

Today some 2nd grade friends came to our classroom and read their Reader's Theater to us. They did a great job!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Workout Wednesday

Our workout challenge from Mrs. Zwolenski. We did everything!! Way to go Kindergarteners!

We also had a reader's theater performance today! The play was "Moose's Loose Tooth".

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Books, books, books!

Look at all of our wonderful new books for our classroom!! These are all in sets of 6 and will be used for guided reading groups and to build our classroom library. A huge thank you goes out to our PTO for the money to buy books!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Busy week

We had a busy week!! Tuesday we took our FAST reading test. Thursday we took our FAST math test and our topic 6 math assessment. Also on Thursday we had Kiwanis members come and read to us. Everyone was given a book to keep! Thank you Kiwanis!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Our wishes for the new year!

to go sledding.
a new puppy.
I want to go to Disney World.
to get a fish.
to get better at reading.
to go to Disney World.
to go to Grandma's house.
to go out and play in the snow.
to go to Disney World.
to go to Disney World.
I want to go to Disney World.
learn to ride a bike.
I want to go to Disneyland.
to have a friend over.
to go to Disney World.
to go to Disney World.
to go to Disney World.
to go fishing with John.
to stay healthy.

to play a game.
to go fishing.

Disney World is going to be very busy this year 😀