Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Party!!!

What an AWESOME party!!! A huge thanks goes out to our room parents! They did a wonderful job planning our activities!

The mystery box.... It was so much fun to feel all those slimey and gross things :)

                                           We made bats to hang around!

                                            Eyeballs and spiders for snack!
Happy Halloween!!!

Letter U

Today we learned the uppercase and lowercase U. The uppercase U is a pull down, curve forward, push up. The lowercase u is a pull down, curve forward, push up, pull straight down.

Lowercase t

Yesterday we learned the lowercase t. This letter is a straight stick down, lift, cross near the top. We practiced the letter with no tail on the bottom but we talked about how sometimes we will see the lowercase t with a tail.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Letter T

Today we learned the upper case T.
This letter is straight stick down, cross on top.

Letter S

The upper case and lower case S are both written the same way: Curve backwards, curve forwards.

Letter R

The upper case R is a straight stick down, lift, curve around, slant down.

The lower case r is straight stick down, up, over.

Lower case q

The lower case q is a circle, down, backwards monkey tail. We like to include the monkey tail so we know for sure it's a q and not the number 9.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter Q

Yesterday we learned the upper case Q. We write the upper case Q by making a circle, lift and slant right on the bottom.

Today we learned the lower case q. The lower case q is a circle around, straight stick down, backwards monkey tail.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Letter P

Today we learned the upper case and lower case P. Both letters are written the same way... straight stick down, lift, circle around.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

MEA Break

Don't forget no school tomorrow and Friday. Enjoy your 4 day break!!

Letter O

Yay for another easy letter!!! The upper case O is start at the top, circle around. The lower case o is start at the top, small circle around. Ask your child if they can tell you what O says. It can be tricky!! I told the class to think about it like when you go to the dr. and they tell you to stick out your tongue and say "ah". Make your mouth like an O and say "ah".

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

It was a chilly morning at the pumpkin patch but we sure had fun!! Everyone had the chance to walk through the pumpkin patch and find the perfect pumpkin!!!

lower case n

This morning we learned about the lower case n. The lower case n is a short stick down, straight up, curve down. We looked at the difference between the lower case n and the lower case h. Sometimes we get those 2 letters mixed up! We want to remember the h has a long stick and the n has a short stick.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Letter N

We are slowing down a little bit with some of our letters, because we have more reading curriculum on our plates now! Today we learned the upper case N. This letter has a straight stick down, lift, slant down, straight up. Tomorrow we will learn about the lower case n.

Classroom reader

This morning Lia had a book she wanted to read to the class. It was a great book about beginning sounds. She did a great job!!! Thanks for reading to us Lia :)

Letter M

Friday we learned the letter Mm. The upper case M is a straight stick down, slant down, slant up, straight stick down. The lower case m is small stick down, up curve down, up curve down.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Letter Ll

Today we were excited to see we were learning the letter Ll. Everyone thought this letter would be easy! The upper case L is straight stick down, slide to the right. The lower case l is a straight stick down. Everyone did a great job writing this letter today! With all the tricky letters we have to learn, I LOVE it when students are excited about an "easy" letter!!

Letter K

The upper case K is a straight stick down, slant in, slant down. The lower case k is a straight stick down, little slant in, little slant down. The important thing about the lower case k is that the sland starts in the middle of the letter, not at the top like the upper case K.

Letter J

This letter can sometimes be tricky. We talked about sometimes we see the upper case J with a line across the top and sometimes we see the letter without a line. We will be writing the line across the top. We decided it will help us remember it's a J. The upper case J is a straight stick down, curve in, across on top. The lower case j is a straight stick down, curve in, dot on top.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Erbert and Gerbert's

How can your child earn a free kids meal from Erbert and Gerbert's?
1. Read 10 books and fill out the sheet
2. Bring the filled out sheet to school for the teacher to sign
3. Bring the signed sheet to Erbert and Gerbert's
4. Enjoy a free meal once a month!!!

A huge thanks to Erbert and Gerbert's!

Letter I

Today we learned the letter Ii. We practiced writing the upper case I (straight stick down, across on top, across on bottom) and the lower case i (straight stick down, dot on top). We also learned that I is one of our sight words. During read to self today we looked though our books for our sight word I.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Classroom Reader

Ben has been practicing Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss. Today he read the entire book to the class! He did a Wonderful job!!!   Thanks for reading to us Ben!


Today we learned the letter Hh. The upper case H is a straight stick down, lift, straight stick down, lift, cross in the middle. The lower case h is straight stick down, up, curve down. We have also been learning short words vs. long words. If the words are butterfly and car, butterfly is the long word and car is the short word. We practice by listening to words and looking at words. You could practice with your child too. Give them two words, one long and one short, and have them tell you which word is the long word and which word is the short word.
Yesterday we learned the letter Gg. Both the upper case and lower case can be tricky to write. The upper case G is a big curve around, up, turn in. The lower case g is a circle, down, curve under. The other tricky thing to remember with the letter Gg is the sound. We just work with the (guh) sound like in grapes, gorilla, guitar or good.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

F is for Firemen

Today we learned the letter Ff. The upper case F is a straight stick down, lift, across on top, across in the middle.The lower case f is curve up and down, cross in the middle. To help us learn this letter, we had some special guests this morning. Two firemen from Albert Lea Fire Department came to our class to teach us about fire safety.

 Talking to us about fire safety. Ask your child what we do if our clothes catch fire? (Stop, drop and roll and cover your face) What number do we call incase of an emergency? (911)

 We were practicing what to do if there was smoke in the room. We get as low as we can
and crawl to safety.
One of the firemen put all his gear on so we could see what firemen look like and sound like when they go into a building that is on fire. They are our friends and we should never hide from
them or be scared of them.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Long stick down, lift, line across the top, line across the middle, line across the bottom. That what we say when we write the upper case E. The lower case e is a line across, up and around.
I'm so excited with how quickly students are learning their letters and how to correctly write them!