Thursday, November 15, 2018

Sequencing numbers

We have been practicing putting numbers in sequential order. Then we answer questions about what number is before and after a given number. This is a great thing to practice at home too!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Class Turkey

Our turkey looks GREAT!!!

Veteran's Day

Thank you to all who have served and those who are currently serving.

 Flags and thank you notes from our class!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


We celebrated Mason's 6th birthday on November 6th! 
Happy Golden Birthday Mason!

50th day of Kindergarten

Wahoo! We made it 50 days!
Celebrating with rootbeer floats!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

4H and Kiwanis

Last week we had 4H come in and visit with us. 
We talked about living vs. nonliving things.

We compared a stuffed rabbit with a real one and discussed what was the same and what was different. 
Then we did the same thing with a hen.

 We compared a living plant with a nonliving plant and talked about similarities and differences.
 Later that day we had some members of the Kiwanis come and read to us. We each got a book to take home and keep. Thank you Kiwanis!


 After we were all ready, we walked over to Thornecrest 
and visited the residents that live there!

Then it was party time!

 Our school Parade....